Contract Administration Services
based on years of experience working on large complex infrastructure projects across four continents, MAR assists customers in the formation of all types of contracts, ensuring that the interest of the client is protected and that the terms and conditions are fair, reasonable, balanced, and based on the most current international standards.
MAR has the ability to assist customers in the administration of contracts from concept through tender and award, day-to-day contract administration, and ultimately to contract closeout. In addition, we have the background and experience to assist in the establishment of contracting strategies, contract formation and development, recruitment and management of the supply chain, administration and oversight of the tender process, evaluation of tenders, and assisting our customer in the final negotiations of each contract. Our services include:
- Procurement strategy formation
- Contract strategy formation
- Supply chain management
- Development of tender documents
- Letters of Interest
- Request For Proposal (or Request For Qualifications)
- Terms of Reference
- Form of Agreement
- General Conditions
- Special Conditions
- Quantities and Pricing Data
- Scope of Work
- Addenda
- Pre-Qualification of Tenders
- Oversee and manage the tender process
- Respond to questions
- Develop and issue addenda
- Assist client in tender evaluation
- Determine responsiveness of each tender
- Evaluate and rank the tenders
- Assist client in contract negotiations
- Assist client in the day-to-day contract administration and management
- Assist client in change and claim negotiations
- Manage all guarantees & warranty requirements
- Manage contract close-out process
- Post contract close-out management